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Mehta, Shyam - Science

The author takes a radically different approach to the usual science book. This is not because he departs from the scientific tradition, very much the opposite. All of his work in this book contains sciences in the traditional sense: with assumptions, theory and testable conclusions. The radically different approach is that the author does not produce yet another book on physics and chemistry, for example. He talks about 6 new sciences based on his own knowledge. These sciences are about the human being, not about theoretical subjects of little use to the man in the street. He produces testable conclusions about love, about sex, about emotions, about the mind and about the body. Further, these conclusions are useful in the sense that they can be readily applied by anyone seeking to develop happiness in any one of these concrete aspects of their lives. He constructs measures for each of these hitherto unmeasured quantities or qualities and explains why these measures make sense. He explains to the scientific community how his conclusions can be tested and he explains to the average person how his conclusions can be used.

Editeur :
Langue : Anglais - 164 pages
Santé, Médecine & Psychologie

ISBN: 1412152356

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