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Nabob, The

Daudet, Alphonse - Nabob, The

Another classic converted by

«Daudet once remarked that England was the last of foreign countries to welcome his novels, and that he was surprised at the fact, since for him, as for the typical Englishman, the intimacy of home life had great significance. However long he may have taken to win Anglo-Saxon hearts, there is no question that he finally won them more completely than any other contemporary French novelist was able to do, and that when but a few years since the news came that death had released him from his sufferings, thousands of men and women, both in England and in America, felt that they had lost a real friend.»

Editeur :
Langue : Anglais - 445 pages - Contient un index
Classiques - Français

ISBN (ePub): 1-4121-6835-X

Achetez ce livre au format ePub

  • Maupassant, Guy de - Original Short Stories Volume X
  • Maupassant, Guy de - Original Short Stories Volume XI
  • Souvestre, Émile - An "Attic" Philosopher
  • Daudet, Alphonse - Fromont and Risler
  • Daudet, Alphonse - Tartarin de Tarascon

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