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Pursuit of the House-Boat, The

Bangs, John Kendrick - Pursuit of the House-Boat, The

Another classic converted by

«The House-boat of the Associated Shades, formerly located upon the River Styx, as the reader may possibly remember, had been torn from its moorings and navigated out into unknown seas by that vengeful pirate Captain Kidd, aided and abetted by some of the most ruffianly inhabitants of Hades. Like a thief in the night had they come, and for no better reason than that the Captain had been unanimously voted a shade too shady to associate with self-respecting spirits had they made off with the happy floating club-house of their betters; and worst of all, with them, by force of circumstances over which they had no control, had sailed also the fair Queen Elizabeth, the spirited Xanthippe, and every other strong-minded and beautiful woman of Erebean society, whereby the men thereof were rendered desolate.»

Editeur :
Langue : Anglais - 108 pages - Contient un index
Comique & Satirique

ISBN (ePub): 1-4121-8112-7

Achetez ce livre au format ePub

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