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Within the Law

Dana, Marvin - Within the Law

Another classic converted by

«The lids of the girl's eyes lifted slowly, and she stared at the panel of light in the wall. Just at the outset, the act of seeing made not the least impression on her numbed brain. For a long time she continued to regard the dim illumination in the wall with the same passive fixity of gaze. Apathy still lay upon her crushed spirit. In a vague way, she realized her own inertness, and rested in it gratefully, subtly fearful lest she again arouse to the full horror of her plight.»

Editeur :
Langue : Anglais - 257 pages - Contient un index
Mystère & Crime

ISBN (ePub): 1-4121-7796-0

Achetez ce livre au format ePub

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