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Night-Born, The

London, Jack - Night-Born, The

Another classic converted by

«It was in the old Alta-Inyo Club – a warm night for San Francisco – and through the open windows, hushed and far, came the brawl of the streets. The talk had led on from the Graft Prosecution and the latest signs that the town was to be run wide open, down through all the grotesque sordidness and rottenness of manhate and man-meanness, until the name of O'Brien was mentioned – O'Brien, the promising young pugilist who had been killed in the prize-ring the night before.»

Editeur :
Langue : Anglais - 157 pages - Contient un index
Classiques - Américain

ISBN (ePub): 1-4121-8847-4

Achetez ce livre au format ePub

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